Thursday, March 27, 2008

The latest from Mary on the Consensus Document

I'm determined to start a Major Movement to adopt the Canadian consensus document - which is really a frontal assault on CDC.

I'm going to take some to Congress when the CFSAC meetings in May - and then take some more in November.  The main push will be between May and November, but I hated to miss out on a chance to make it an issue in May.

I think I also have to add a one page version of the Canadian consensus definition to add to the email letter - but the real purpose of the document is not in the definition, but in the DIRECTION it takes, which is AWAY from the CDC.  Lenny Jason did a study that showed the consensus definition picked out patients with more serious physical symptoms, while the new CDC definition picks out patients with more psychological symptoms.  Ahem.  And the Canadian docment actually discussing ways to TREAT patients - which seems anathema to CDC.  (There's a great box written by lenny in the summary document that rips CBT and GET to shreds.)


Just a little more work here.  Back to the drawing board.

Anyway, any comments/suggestions accepted -but get them in quickly.


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