Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CFS Patients Needed for Interview

Seeking CFS Patients for On-Line Interview Concerning New Drug

A consulting company is conducting a research study for a
pharmaceutical company that has a new drug targeted at treating CFS
going through the FDA process. The company is seeking CFS patients to
participate in this study by completing a 10 to 15 minute on-line
interview.  You will be asked about  your CFS: how long you have had
CFS, how the disease has progressed, and what types of physicians you
have seen. You will also be asked about the medications that you now
take and how insurance companies handle your CFS related claims. You
will be given brief information about the new drug and asked for your
reaction to that information.  If you are interested in
participating, please call the data service (JRA) at
1-866-574-5549  Study Reference #1284 to see if you qualify
. If you
qualify, you will be compensated for completing the interview.  Your
participation will be completely anonymous.

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