Figure caption
Figure 1 Path Model Examining the Direct and Indirect Influence of Sensory Amplification on Physical Functioning With Pain Intensity, Physical Symptoms, Fatigue, and Attention/Concentration Symptoms as Mediating Variables
TablesTable 1. Sample Characteristics, Mean (Standard Deviation)
Age, years 42.0 (8.8)
Pain duration, months 87.9 (64.4)
Gender 28 (73.6%) women, 10 (26.4%) men
Race 24 (63.2%) Caucasian,
5 (13.2%) African American,
4 (10.5%) Hispanic,
2 (5.3%) Asian or Pacific Islander,
3 (7.9%) other
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) Total 11.3 (8.1)
Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI): 16.6 (2.7)
General Fatigue
Number of physical symptoms 19.2 (9.7)
Multiple Random Staircase (MRS) medium 3.01 (2.1)
pressure sensitivity (kg/cm^2)
Perceived exertion per watt 0.32 (0.11)
Table 2. Correlations Among the Individual and Composite Measures of Sensory
Augmentation and Depression, Hallmark Symptoms, Comorbid Fatigue, and
Physical Functioning
Variable Pressure Perceived Exertion ISA
Sensitivity per Watt
Pain 0.34* 0.45** 0.45**
Fatigue 0.15 -0.16 -0.01
Physical Functioning -0.36* -0.20 -0.32*
Depression 0.13 0.14 0.16
Comorbidities 0.29 0.38* 0.41*
ISA: index of sensory amplification.
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
Table 3. Correlations Between Sensory Augmentation, Depression, Hallmark Symptoms,
Comorbid Physical Symptoms, and Physical Functioning
Variable Pain Fatigue Comorbidities Physical Depressive
Functioning Symptoms
ISA 0.45** -0.01 0.41* -0.32* 0.16
Pain 0.12 0.34* -0.57** 0.22
Fatigue 0.02 -0.41* 0.34*
Comorbidities -0.41* 0.08
Physical Functioning 0.07
ISA: index of sensory amplification.
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
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The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
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