Monday, August 18, 2008

Program: Diagnosing and Treating CFS/ME - October 2008

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Program
for Family Physicians, General Internists, Rheumatologists, and Psychiatrists

Part I: Diagnosis and Assessment of Patients with CFS/ME
Friday, October 24th, 2008 - 1:00 - 4:45 pm - Dr. Clara Christie Theatre

After attending, participants will be able to:
• Use the Canadian Consensus Guidelines and check lists to accurately diagnose patients presenting with the signs
& symptoms of CFS/ME

• Use the Guidelines’ history, physical examination and laboratory tests to exclude other diseases that can cause
chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, pain and cognitive difficulties

• Assess occupational disability in CFS/ME

• Differentiate CFS/ME from psychiatric disorders

Dr. Pierre Flor Henry MB, ChB, MD(Edin), AcadDPM(Lond), FRCPsych, CSPQ(Psych)
Clinical Professor and Director, Clinical Diagnostics and Research Centre, Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta,
Co-Author: Canadian Consensus Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of ME/CFS

Dr. Eleanor Stein MD FRCP(C)
Psychiatrist with dedicated CFS practice, Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Irena Esche MD FRCP(C)
Psychiatrist in private practice, Calgary, Alberta

Part II: Clinical Management of CFS/ME
Friday, November 7th, 2008 - 1:00 - 4:45 pm - Libin Lecture Theatre

Through case examples and discussion, participants will learn:
• The treatment approach to CFS/ME

• Management of sleep, activities, pacing, pain and diet
• To take an environmental history to evaluate the impact of environmental/dietary influences on health

• To teach the basics of stress management learning the tools of meditation and breathing regulation

• To assist patients with the emotional effects of chronic illness: CFS/ME

Dr. Alison Bested MD FRCP(C) (Hematological Pathology), Toronto, Ontario
Author: Hope and Help for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia,
Co-Author: Canadian Consensus Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of ME/CFS

Dr. Eleanor Stein MD FRCP(C)
Psychiatrist with dedicated CFS practice, Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Ernie McCrank MD FRCP(C)
Psychiatrist in private practice, Calgary, Alberta

For registration form, please go to


Anonymous said...

Several of us are curious as to why you have no response to Dr. McKenzie's comment on your 6/18 bullshit ... eh I mean post.

Anonymous said...

I've made no response because I have not yet been able to get a copy of the book referenced.  I, personally, have not read the book, it's not in my personal collection, and therefore, I cannot quote to you where (or if) the subject is addressed in a book that I have not read.  I can give you page numbers from the CFS books which are in my collection, and have quoted those books extensively, references which have been rejected.

I do know how many CFS experts have compared the initial reaction to CFS to the initial reaction to AIDS, and I am relying on the DOCTORS' statements of what the DOCTORS personally witnessed, as well as on my own recollection of what I was being told by my gay friends in that time frame.

I will apologize again that I am not an expert on AIDS, however, I have no reason to be.  The statements I refer to were made by medical doctors, and I have no reason to distrust those statements.  Should you wish to dispute statements made by Dr. Bell, Dr. Cheney, Dr. Peterson, etc., I have instructed you to contact them directly to obtain their source material, because you would quibble with the accuracy of anything forwarded by me.

Anonymous said...

I will remind you again, that I receive no money for doing this blog.  It's strictly something that I do in my spare time.

Doing research for other people is done only AFTER I have completed my paid work and my household chores, and priority is given to patients who are seeking assistance to improve the quality of their lives.

Digging out obscure references from pre-internet era sources, for someone who merely wants to argue with me, is a very low priority indeed.  I have wasted enough time on you and your little friends already, providing references that you have refused to accept, and absolutely will not continue to do your homework for you.  Where are YOUR citations to experts supporting your claim that my experts (for which citations have previously been provided) are wrong?  It appears that I have done more research than you have, and this conversation will not be continued until you provide a citated quote from an expert stating "AIDS was never considered to be psychiatric".

Anonymous said...

I know I can order books from Amazon, but perhaps you missed the part where I'm disabled and have limited income.  I have more important things to spend my money on.  You're certainly welcome to order it at your expense to be delivered to me.

Or you can wait until I get downtown to the library, where I don't have to pay for the book.

Anonymous said...

Well yes, I can see your point.
I myself would not be gung-ho either to invest a penny, let alone  $12-shipping-included, to disprove a stand I ignorantly took was 100% incorrect.

The rest? I'll leave to those so much more informed, educated and studied than I are in the AIDS/HIV  department to answer.
I sure hope they do.

Anonymous said...

"I myself would not be gung-ho either to invest a penny, let alone  $12-shipping-included, to disprove a stand I ignorantly took was 100% incorrect."

I happen to believe the statements from doctors which were previously quoted to you ARE correct.  You, however, chose to disbelieve them.  From my viewpoint, the support for my statement HAS been adequately provided and therefore, there is no need for me to put further research at the top of my priority list.

JoAnn had previously offered to go to the university medical library and find the evidence because she is more mobile than I am.  You have not taken her up on that offer, so it is obvious that you simply want to argue the point and don't want to actually see further proof that what I have said, which is based on statements from doctors, is accurate.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Mark Loveless, an infectious disease specialist and head of the CFS and AIDS Clinic at Oregon Health Sciences University, proclaimed that a CFIDS patient “feels every day significantly the same as an AIDS patient feels two months before death.”

Since you seem to feel that only someone who treats AIDS is an acceptable source for confirmation that AIDS was originally considered to have psychological roots, please contact Dr. Loveless, .  I'm sure he'll be happy to educate you.  

Please share his response with us, if you dare.

Anonymous said...

this conversation will not be continued until you provide a citated quote from an expert stating "AIDS was never considered to be psychiatric".

What kind of an idiot are you????
Finding a quote such as the one you ask for is the equivilant of looking for a scientific statement proclaiming that the moon is not made of cheese.
You're not going to find it because it was never thought to be.

Anonymous said...

"this conversation will not be continued until you provide a citated quote from an expert stating "AIDS was never considered to be psychiatric".

What kind of an idiot are you????
Finding a quote such as the one you ask for is the equivilant of looking for a scientific statement proclaiming that the moon is not made of cheese.
You're not going to find it because it was never thought to be."

That's right: YOU will never find it, because I have provided numerous quotes from doctors stating that, in fact, AIDS was considered psychiatric.  

I don't need to provide additional support for my statement when I've already provided multiple quotes from doctors, and you have provided nothing whatsoever to support your contention that those doctors and I are wrong.

This conversation will not be continued until you provide supporting quotes/citations for your stance.  I have told you how to contact Dr. Bell/Cheney/Peterson/Loveless if you wish to dispute their statements.  You have chosen not to do so because you know they will stand by their prior statements that AIDS was, in fact, originally considered psychiatric, until people started to die from it.

Anonymous said...

Here it is, one more time, for those who missed it before:

"The parallels in the history of the recognition of AIDS as a specific disease and the recognition of CFIDS are remarkable.  For years physicians and health care administrators said that no illness could explain [the symptoms].  BECAUSE PATIENTS WITH AIDS WERE DYING, IT WAS FINALLY AND SOMEWHAT RELUCTANTLY AGREED THAT THIS CONSTELLATION OF UNUSUAL SYMPTOMS AND EVENTS WAS NOT PSYCHOSOMATIC.  And with the discovery of the HIV virus, a theory could be put forward that explained these findings."

Dr. David S. Bell, Harvard educated, professor at Harvard Medical School
"The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", pp. 17-18.

Either provide evidence that Dr. Bell's statement is wrong, or stop arguing about my evidence that doctors did, in fact, attribute AIDS to psychiatric causes.