Friday, August 1, 2008

Speed of Mental Operations in Fibromyalgia

Speed of Mental Operations in Fibromyalgia: A Selective Naming Speed Deficit.

J Clin Rheumatol. 2008 Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]

Leavitt F, Katz RS.

From the Department of Behavioral Sciences; and Department of
Internal Medicine, Section of Rheumatology, Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL.

PMID: 18636019

OBJECTIVE: Abnormal processing of information in fibromyalgia may
hold clues to brain abnormalities in this illness.
The purpose of
this study is to examine the speed of mental operations in people
with the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) under the pressure of time. The
central question addresses whether FMS is associated with processing
speed deficits across a spectrum of speeded tasks.

METHODS: Sixty-seven patients with fibromyalgia with a history of
memory complaints and 51 controls presenting with complaints of
memory loss completed 10 timed cognitive measures of processing
speed. Controls were patients with memory complaints who did not have FMS.

RESULTS: The majority of FMS patients (>70%) performed within 1
standard deviation of the norm on 7 or more of 10 speeded measures.
However, more than 49% of FMS patients tested as impaired (>1.67 SD
below normative mean) on 2 specific validated speed tasks (reading
words and naming colors). Compared with controls, the number of FMS
patients showing impairment was 2.0 times greater for reading speed,
and 1.6 times greater for color naming speed. A mean time delay of
203 milliseconds was recorded for reading words and 285 milliseconds
for naming colors in the FMS impaired sample. A 203 milliseconds
delay in reading words represents a 48% (203/417) time increase over
the normal time for reading the same stimulus word.

CONCLUSION: Abnormalities in naming speed are an unappreciated
feature of FMS. Selective deficits in naming speed in association
with otherwise well preserved global processing speed set patients
with FMS apart from controls with memory complaints. Clinicians would
be wise to specifically request adding a rapid naming test such as
the Stroop Test to the cognitive battery; to document cognitive
dysfunction in FMS patients who otherwise appear to test normally,
despite often intense complaints of memory and concentration
difficulties that can affect job performance and increase disability.

* * *

Dr. Sheila Bastien has also identified a neuropsychological "signature" for CFS, which is very different from the test results for depression.  If you're applying for Disability, your attorney may want to read the sections of "Osler's Web" relating to Dr. Bastien's testing to verify that your test results are what they should be.

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