Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Online Petition Removed -- IMPORTANT!

I am mortified to have to tell everyone that the petition website where the petition to adopt the Canadian (international) consensus document in the United 'States has been housed is - well, in my opinion, wholly unethical and I have had to take the petition down. 

After about two weeks, and without warning me, the company running the website inserted a request for funding for THEM!  I learned that people would sign the petition, and as soon as they did that, the website would shift to one with different amounts of donations listed - and one person who vetted it for me said that they already had the amount checked and it didn't seem to be uncheckable.

Every type of dispicable practice on internet seems legal.  They probably buried this in fine print somewhere.

I want to assure ANYONE who signed that petition and then got asked to donate money that:

**** The money did not go to me or to M.E. or CFS advocacy.  It went to the website company. ****

Perhaps we can circulate a petition the old-fashioned way, getting signatures wherever people gather.  This was a most disheartening experience.

If you want to discuss the issue (including the other petitions), my other website is still working fine at ning.com -

ANYONE who actually gave money after signing the petition should contact me ASAP. 

Mary Schweitzer

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