Thursday, January 3, 2008

Great Commentary from Erik

  The CDC keeps telling the world that there is no known test to identify CFS.
  If you had only been to normal doctors who did normal tests which showed up normal - this statement would lead you to believe that nothing is abnormal in CFS.
  Every single CFSer who found a "good" doctor who did extended testing knows that the CDC's presentation is a deliberate  disingenuous "presentation" that creates a climate of doubtfulness  about just how abnormal CFSers immune systems really are.
* * *
The fiction is perpetuated that there's nothing wrong, and when you (like I) actually get a test done that's wildly abnormal, it's disregarded.  Normal on that test should be around 5; my first result was 28.  That was so "off the charts" that the doctor was concerned that it was lab error.  A second test at a different lab a few days later produced an even more abnormal result, 30.
The SSDI judge will not even acknowledge the existence of that test result.  It would force him to accept that there's more to CFS than "all in your head".
And, in fact, I suspect that's what CDC is trying to do, too.  If no CFS patient ever has an abnormal test result, they can continue to deny that there's anything physically wrong.  So, they put on their website that these tests are unnecessary, and list all the tests which the experts know would be abnormal.  Problem solved -- "all tests are normal".

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