Saturday, December 15, 2007

The problems with having to hire work done

For months, I've been looking for the scrub brush that belongs in the drawer in the bathroom.  I have, in fact, torn apart every drawer and cupboard in that room without finding it.

Today I found it in the kitchen.  Since the only thing I ever use it for is the bathtub, apparently someone else used it and left it where it doesn't belong instead of saying "hey, I got this from the bathroom, I will at least return it to that room even if I don't remember exactly where in that room I got it from."

This happens a lot. 

I have a good-sized collection of tools in the basement.  My handyman will take the time to go down to rummage for something he needs, rather than going home to get his, but when he's done with it, he can't be bothered to go back to the basement to put it away.  He just sets it down wherever he was using it.  As a result, I've found what used to be expensive tools in pristine condition sitting on the porch, rusting away.  He doesn't even make the effort to carry it the extra few feet to put it in the house where it won't get wet ... just assumes that I will see that he left it among the other clutter that has accumulated over years of hired people being asked to carry things to the basement and deciding that it was easier to toss it out on the porch.  If they weren't scheduled to come back anyway, what difference did it make if I discovered the deception after they were gone?  They got paid regardless of whether they did a good job or a bad job.

While it might seem to some people that I'm fortunate to have an excuse not to do my own housework, these are precisely the reasons why I hate having to hire someone else: work is not done to my standards, and things don't get put where they belong.  With the expensive stuff, I'm never sure if it's been stolen or simply put where I can't find it because it's not where it belongs (or even where I'd think of looking for it).  I would give my eyeteeth for someone who understands that my kitchen is organized my way, and she shouldn't put things where she keeps them in her kitchen ... putting like with like, not "this is where I keep my stuff, so I'm going to mix pots and canned goods rather than ask where you keep them".  (I've had people come in and rearrange my kitchen for their convenience, because they can't understand that I have to organize things differently because of my health problems.  They're convinced their way is the best way and any other way is just plain wrong.)

Having my expensive things properly taken care of and being able to find what I already own instead of constantly buying replacements are two of the reasons I have been badgering doctors for 7+ years to give me the medications that I know will get me on the road back to good health. 

Unfortunately, since the death of my beloved Dr. Dawn shortly after realizing this was not the flu, it was relapse, I've been dealing with male doctors who just don't get it that not all women are like their wives who happily let someone else do the cleaning; some of us prefer to do it ourselves so that it's done to our higher standards.  Some of them thought that my saying "I can't do the housework" was simply a request for them to sign a form to get me a free government-paid cleaner because I was too lazy to clean and too cheap to pay.

(In point of fact, In-Home Support Services -- government-paid cleaners -- are available ONLY if you are over 65 or are receiving Disability benefits; I am neither.  It's not as simple as asking a doctor to sign a form and you magically get free help.)

Although certain people would like you to believe that I don't want to pay for housecleaning, the simple truth is that I've shelled out thousands of dollars for cleaning services since spring 2000.  The agency girls show up with a brochure informing me that the worker's comp insurance will not allow them to do the following chores -- which are the ones I need the help with.  The independent ones quickly prove that they're not working for an agency because they couldn't pass the test-clean.  I have to turn to friends to do the things I can't and the agency girls won't; it's not a matter of being willing to pay, it's a matter of finding someone willing to do what needs doing.  I always compensate people who help me, whether with a meal, cash, or free room and board.  Unfortunately, even friends who are being compensated can't be relied on to do the job right.

There's a reason they say "if you want something done right, do it yourself".  I only wish I could!

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