Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CFS/Fibromyalgia Lobby Day, May 14-15

Lobby Day '07: Details and Registration Form Now Available

Join us in Washington, D.C. on May 14-15 for the CFIDS Association of America's 15th Annual Lobby Day events. Find all the details and a link to our Registration Form at

Please, if you can possibly get to DC, do it, to speak on behalf of the many of us who can't travel that far. 

In 2003, our research budget was $6.8 million.  It has fallen steadily to a mere $4.9 million this year -- we've lost about a quarter of our already meager funding in just 4 years!  How can we make progress toward a cure if the funding is constantly cut?  CFS affects MORE people than some of the diseases that receive far more money, even though experts say that CFS is more disabling.

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