Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Who qualifies as "disabled"?

There's been some criticism over the years that if I'm working, I'm clearly committing fraud by applying for disability.

Here's the official word from a lawyer:

To be eligible for Social Security disability you have to be unable to
engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically
determinable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to
result in death or that has lasted or can be expected to last for a
continuous period of not less than twelve months.

The key words for you are "substantial gainful activity."  Work that
earns less than $860 a month is not generally considered to be
substantial gainful activity.  Of course, if you were actually able to
work more hours you would not be disabled, but if you are working at
less than the substantial gainful activity level because your disability
prevents you from working more, you can still be found to be disabled.

"Continuous period of not less than twelve months"     Check -- I've been off work since February 2000

"medically determinable impairment"    Check -- several doctors have found objective orthopedic problems that would keep me from working, quite aside from the CFS; there are abnormal blood tests as well; CFS is (under SS99p) considered a "medically determinable impairment"

"work that earns less than $860 per month"    Check -- there have been a few months that I have reached that, but the effort always caused a relapse, proving that I could not "maintain employment" as required by the law.  The question is not whether you can get a job, the question is whether you can actually work at it successfully.  My attempt to go back to a law office part-time resulted in a total collapse after just three days, thus proving to the satisfaction of the doctors that I cannot "maintain employment".

There are no rules that say you cannot work part-time, earning less than $860 a month, while applying for or collecting SSDI.  They have, however, established that to be the level at which you are "self-sufficient" and no longer need government help.  Working 6 hours a week leaves me well short of the $860.  Working 10 hours a week (the maximum before I relapse) puts me a little above it, but after subtracting business expenses, I'm still below it.

In fact, SSDI encourages people to try going back to work to see how it goes, hoping that they'll find they can.  Unfortunately, every time I've pushed it to12-15 hours a week (the barest minimum for a "real job"), I've wound up back in bed, proving through experimentation that I really can't go back to work successfully, as defined by the law.

There are other requirements such as having contributed a minimum amount of "insurance premiums" toward your benefits.  Since I worked full-time for 20 years, not a problem for me; I'm well over the minimum.  Someone who worked part-time or took time out to raise a family might not have enough credits to qualify.

The courts are mindful that you might be able to do small amounts of work interspersed with rest periods at home that would not carry over to performing satisfactorily in the work place.  They recognize that employers do not give you unlimited sick days, and have ruled that needing to take off even one day a week to rest is enough to make you disabled.  They have stated flat-out that "work when able", as required by a CFS patient, is not a "reasonable accommodation" under ADA. 

So, I have no problem, under the law, reconciling my apparent ability to work with my claim to be disabled.  Under the law, I am disabled, even though I do work as much as I can.


Anonymous said...

Karen said: So, I have no problem, under the law, reconciling my apparent ability to work with my claim to be disabled.  Under the law, I am disabled, even though I do work as much as I can.

Hmm... I know ALL about this one. Effectively because I had viral meningitis (and survived it) and the lumbar puncture (that's when they stick a 6 inch needle into you lower spine) to extract fluids to determine that I had the virus that causes meningitis, and because I REACTED BADLY to this lumbar puncture and it causeed my virtebrae to fuse (if you reach to your own spine and go up about a hand length up it's there - the 4th to 6th virtebrae area).

I've seen a specialist who has determined there's something wrong with my back that COULD end up leaving in a wheelchair in later years. The doctor, however, wants to just give me paracetemol to doze up on "whenever the pain gets too much". I now think my stomache and intestine problems are due to taking pain killers.

THEORETICALLY I am disabled. IF I could find a doctor to say YES, I'd be on Disability Allowance (as SS disability in the US is called in the UK), and as the LAST job outside my home I did was given up because of the back problem in Feb 2000, I know WHERE Karen comes from with having to give up a career. But INDUSTRIOUS PEOPLE like Karen or I don't give in to a minor set back as disability and we set up our own businesses INSTEAD - and we're both doing downright BRILLIANT with them, THANK YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I might like to add that I run my own business www.tcnmediagroup.com, and help run my husband's business www.minuet-uk.com, and that I run my only stitching clubs www.stitchingfunclubs.com, and about... hmmmm... 50+ other websites PLUS I also maintain www.cfsfacts.org website for Karen as well and www.texasambiance.com for Meli too... and my husband's business has just landed a business deal which would end us up with several hundred new customers in the next few weeks and months to come...

UNLESS Karen was hiding an IBM eServer case the size of a cot somewhere in her house which was lived in by the Blaylocks, AND NOT SEEN BY THEM, BY THE POLICE WHO BROKE IN ON Mrs Blaylock panicking, OR by the inspector, then Nathalie Forster MUST BE a real person and not Karen's imaginary other self.

Oh and SINCE WHEN does CFS/ME cause "multiple personality disorder"??? Show me ANY substantiated PROOF from the CDC that this is true - if you CANNOT show it, then STOP accusing Karen and I being one and same person...


Anonymous said...

You know, in light of what this issue of these people who are CFS/ME bashers, I have come up with a totally new thing. I will be adding this to my www.tcnmediagroup.com website later this week but here is what my plan is...

IF you are someone who is ill with a longterm disease or disability (such as CFS/ME, cancer, MS, or other longterm illness), AND you've got a good friend who is super-supportive of you (like I am with Karen), then you can contact me and nominate that person as YOUR CHAMPION!!!!

You can do this in writing to me at:

c/o TCN Media Group
2 The Lawns, Windermere Road
Reading, Berkshire
RG2 7JA, United Kingdom

What you need to do, is send me a letter (about two 8" x 11" pages long) by snail mail at the above address, telling me WHY your friend, family member or buddy is a real champion when it comes to caring about your illness, what they do to help you (whether physically, emotionally or supportive), and why you think they qualify to receive ONE free chart from me (randomly chosen!) as a gift to them and a thank you for being there for YOU!

Anonymous said...

I have added the page now on my website:


So get those letters coming!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Karen, are you still stubbornly WORKING HARD?? You know that's a NO NO according to SOME people out there... LOL LOL LOL


Anonymous said...

<<Oh Karen, are you still stubbornly WORKING HARD?? You know that's a NO NO according to SOME people out there... LOL LOL LOL>>

It's also a no no according to my doctor, who says that I am in no condition to work at all.  And according to the CFS experts who say that you shouldn't try to return to work until you're an 80 on the CFS Disability Scale ... I'm a 40 on my good days.

And according to the City Inspector and my lawyer, who say that my first priority should be taking proper care of myself and my home.  But I don't feel good about myself if I'm not working.  I've been working for pay since I was 14, and I'm not about to stop just because it's gotten difficult.

Anyway, even if I gave up working, I still would not have the physical ability to do certain household chores, so I may as well work enough to be able to afford to hire someone to do them.

Anonymous said...

Nathalie writes:  INDUSTRIOUS PEOPLE like Karen or I don't give in to a minor set back as disability and we set up our own businesses INSTEAD - and we're both doing downright BRILLIANT with them, THANK YOU

Karen has hired me to work in her business when she's had too much work coming in to handle herself.  She regularly sends extra work to her friend Debbie and hires Wayne to help with jobs involving lots of copying.  She even paid Seanette $35/hour.

No question that Karen is not sitting around hoping to collect government benefits the rest of her life.  She's trying to make a go of this busines, and hiring other people to work in her business, hoping that she can get OFF disability.

You note that Seanette's rantings about how Karen takes such horrid advantage of people never once mention that Karen paid her $35/hour to help with a document production project.  Or that the Labor Board says that the value of the room and board Karen gave them was $1200 a month ... givne the amount of work that they actually did aroudn the house, that was more than $100/hour.  You decide for yourself but I say Karen is overly generous and Seanette got far more than she deserved.  And is pissed because after a few months Karen wasn't willing to be taken advantage of any more and told them to either clean to Karen's standards or get out.  I helped write the paperwork - it offered them the chance to stay if they did the cleaning.  They CHOSE not to clean initially and they CHOSE not to clean on their second chance.  Then they blamed karen for not being willing to live in the squalor they created.