CFS represents the final common pathway for multifactorial disorder with a limbic system encephalopathy causing autonomic dysfunction and subtle neuroendocrine derangements. – Jay Goldstein, M.D.
CFS is a debilitating illness involving symptoms and abnormalities of the immune system, circulatory system, central nervous system, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. – Dr. Katrina Berne
The name "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" was selected by a small group of politically motivated scientists. Their deliberate intention was to obfuscate the nature of the disease by placing it in the realm of the psychiatric rather than the organic. The harm they have caused is surely one of the great tragedies of medicine. – Hillary J. Johnson
The name of an illness has a profound impact upon those who suffer from it, upon how the uninformed perceive it, and upon medical research and treatment.– John Herd
Historically, illnesses are attributed to temperament when science lacks, or refuses to seek, answers.– B.F. Synhorst, M.S.W.
Attribution of illness to ... unconscious motivation is inaccurate, unfair and insulting. – Dr. Katrina Berne
This is not a "benign" disease. The loss to the minds and bodies is inestimable. – Michael Goldberg, M.D.
Avoid the labels "somatizer", "hypochondriac", "neurotic" and "crock". All symptoms have origins and should be taken seriously.– Dr. Katrina Berne
"Just learn to live with it" is not an acceptable approach to pain management.– Steve Fanto, M.D.
Just because standard testing shows normal values does not always mean everything is fine. It may simply mean that the proper tests have not been run. – Devin Starlanyl, M.D.
When these conditions are vigorously and appropriately treated at their onset, much pain and dysfunction can be prevented. – Devin Starlanyl, M.D.
Just because the doctor may not be familiar with your medical condition does not mean it isn’t real.– Devin Starlanyl, M.D.
It is a sorry state when patients must be responsible for the education of their doctors, but that is where we are.– Devin Starlanyl, M.D.
CFS is characterized by extreme exhaustion lasting 6 months as well as biochemical abnormalities
It is not the patients who are disturbed, it is the physicians who are psychologically disturbed because they ignore the data, and whatever data there is, they manipulate it to say what they want it to say. -- Muhammed B. Yunus, M.D.
Dr. Paul Cheney found that in dual chromatography analyses, many CFIDS patients actually had more derangement of the brain, on a biochemical level, than Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s patients.
Dr. Sheila Bastien, who studied a group of educated patients, was stunned to realize that patients who initially appeared very lucid had suffered tremendous drops in IQ.
Nobody has partaken in such a zealous barrage of metaphoric lampoons since the nineteenth century days of multiple sclerosis, which was called in its early years "hysterical paralysis".
The incidence of CFIDS is now higher than that of lung cancer, breast cancer or HIV infection in women.
It’s stupid to call it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It should be called the forever dead syndrome.–Keith Jarrett, jazz pianist and CFS patient
Dr. Mark Loveless, an infectious disease specialist and head of the CFS and AIDS Clinic at Oregon Health Sciences University, proclaimed that a CFIDS patient "feels every day significantly the same as an AIDS patient feels two months before death."
Dr. Daniel Peterson’s Medical Outcome Study revealed that no other set of patients had ever measured so poorly. CFIDS patients experienced greater "functional severity" than the studied patients with heart disease, virtually all types of cancer, and all other chronic illnesses.
This disease is actually more debilitating than just about any other kind of medical problem in the world. – Dr. Leonard Jason
When asked on CNN how many of his CFIDS patients had fully recovered in fifteen years, Dr. Peterson unequivocally and chillingly stated "None".
According to Dr. Komaroff, 4000+ research studies have identified objective physical/organic abnormalities in CFS patients
40% of CFS patients studied by a Chicago group were completely disabled by the disease. Nearly all of these said they had been denied Social Security benefits.
Many doctors have tried to find a causal link between CFS and personality traits that, in the case of any other illness, would be considered exemplary: blaming patients for having had a strong work ethic (calling them "overachievers") or exercising regularly (being "too driven").
Many medical disorders present as psychological disturbances. Pancreatic cancer can cause visual hallucinations. Adrenal tumors will cause behavior that can seem psychotic. So you have to be very careful not to accept psychiatric diagnoses at face value. – Sheila Bastien, Ph.D.
I remember thinking that if I were testing nothing but Alzheimer's patients, then I would say "This group isn't very impaired." But they were more impaired than the head concussion cases that I've tested that have been in litigation. ... And it looked worse than most of your average depressions. – Sheila Bastien, Ph.D.
There are many well accepted disorders that lack objective physical findings. – Kevin P. White, M.D.
We have little understanding of disease mechanisms for many well accepted disorders, such as polymyalgia rheumatica, migraine headache, and trigeminal neuralgia. And we have very few effective treatments for disorders such as scleroderma and ankylosing spondylitis. Yet none of these disorders comes under the same intensely zealous scrutiny ... all symptoms are, by definition, subjective. – Kevin P. White, M.D.
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd. - Bertrand Russell
The apparently disinterested CDC essentially turned its back on the devastation in Incline Village and elsewhere. On a name change petition, Hillary J. Johnson, author of Osler's Web, commented that the name "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" was selected "by a small group of politically motivated and/or poorly informed scientists and doctors who were vastly more concerned about costs to insurance companies and the Social Security Administration than about public health. Their deliberate intention –– based on the correspondence they exchanged over a period of months –– was to obfuscate the nature of the disease by placing it in the realm of the psychiatric rather than the organic. The harm they have caused is surely one of the great tragedies of medicine. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Other Invisible Illnesses, Katrina Berne, Ph.D., page 10
Same book, page 13, David Bell, M.D., considers the word "fatigue" inappropriate since it is defined as a response to exertion that is relieved by rest, whereas CFS "fatigue" may result from little or no exertion and is not substantially relieved by rest. ...The CDC agreed to study the matter [of a name change] but later announced that the adoption of a new name is premature. In a catch-22, the present name trivializes the illness, thereby discouraging the research funding needed to uncover the pathophysiology of the disorder, which would help determine a more accurate name.
Nancy Klimas, M.D., at 11/3/06 CDC Press Conference: "there's evidence that the patients with this illness experience a level of disability that's equal to that of patients with late-stage AIDS, patients undergoing chemotherapy, patients with multiple sclerosis. And that has certainly given it a level of credibility that should be easily understood by people's friends and families, and certainly, by us, the health care providers."
Touched a nerve did I?
p.s. Can't you find any new quacks to quote?
Touched a nerve did I?
p.s. Can't you find any new quacks to quote?
Hey Lynn,
Maybe get INTELLIGENT and read the CDC statement about this disease FIRST before acting like an ASS and saying IDIOTIC STUFF...
BTW, you know, Lynn, people who want to attack in the way you do have a name...
A BULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lynn writes: Touched a nerve did I?
No, touched on the bane of CFS activists' existence: the prevailing notion among the uninformed that CFS is merely "feeling tired".
Even when the CDC was trying to discredit it as mere fatigue, the diagnostic criteria included other symptoms and required on physical exam the objective symptoms fever, throat inflammation and palpable/tender lymph nodes -- which are not associated with simple fatigue.
Before you say one more word about "tired" or "fatigue", go read some of the research studies showing that there is more to it than simply being tired. Refusing to do that will prove that you are stubbornly committed to believing false information because you don't want to have to change your opinion.
If CDC could backtrack on their publicly-announced stance and admit that it's a real disease and not mere fakery, so can you.
I guess Lynn is getting nervous... LOL
You mean certain people who would like to file for Disability due to migraines are getting nervous because the quote from Dr. White lists migraines among the disorders for which "we have little understanding of disease mechanisms" and suggests that fairness requires that "the same intensely zealous scrutiny" should be applied to every condition where the symptoms are entirely subjective?
I agree with Dr. White that if we're going to be suspicious of CFS patients because there's no blood test for CFS, then we should be suspicious of anyone who "claims" they have migraines or any other condition that requires believing the patient's reports because there's no way to measure the intensity of symptoms.
I've seen some very convincing portrayals of epilepsy by actors. Maybe we should accuse people who are on Disability for being epileptic of simply being good actors and tell them to stop faking, too?
I have "off the charts" blood tests proving that there is something very very wrong. I have audible clicking and palpable catching in most of my joints, proving something is very very wrong. That I cannot do certain things is objectively proven, but because my primary diagnosis is CFS, that causes some people to discredit *every* health problem I have, even the ones where there's objective proof.
Or did you mean that someone's getting nervous because we're playing tag-team comments, and the interspersing of IP numbers (which don't change for either of us) proves that we're posting from two different computers in two different countries, and therefore can't possibly be the same person?
Proves that some people are paranoid/delusional and it's not either of us! :)
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