Monday, November 27, 2006

Sloth or Industriousness? You decide.

Slothful?  Hardly.  While the rest of the country thought it was their God-given right to have a four-day holiday weekend, I worked every day of the "long weekend".  I had a series of transcripts that had to be delivered by Monday morning, so I couldn't take the weekend off like most.  I did take a couple hours out to do fun stuff (like watch a favorite movie), but that didn't reduce the number of hours that I had to work over the weekend ... just took some of the work out of normal business hours and pushed it till 10 or 11 at night.

Anyway, I find it rather amusing that someone who was out of the workforce for more than a decade would dare to call someone with a 20-year career (after a series of student jobs, including having started two businesses while still in my teens) who even now runs several businesses "slothful". 

I was never a "kept woman" -- I always worked, usually as the sole breadwinner of the family.  I know Lynn can't say that, because she was unemployed for 12 years, with someone else paying all her bills for her.  No man, other than my father, has ever paid any of my bills.

Even now, I work as many hours as the doctors allow.

The day Lynn turns up documentation that she has worked for pay as many hours in her life as I have, I might admit to being lazier than she is.  But since I often had 2 or 3 jobs at a time before I got CFS, and worked a fair number of 100-hour weeks as a paralegal doing trial prep, I rather doubt that she will ever in her lifetime work as many hours for pay as I have.  Because while she took 12 years off, I have yet to take off more than a couple months at a time, usually when I was too sick to work -- not because I was too lazy or had someone else to support me.

Even now, I am working.  Maybe not full-time, but working, and earning a good hourly paycheck.  Probably more than Lynn ever earned per hour -- or ever will.


Anonymous said...

Slothful?  I have no idea - mostly because your stories vary so widely from forum to forum that the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you do have a problem - with recognizing reality and telling the truth.  This post flies directly in the face of posts made by you over the holiday weekend telling how you shopped for and put up a traditional European Christmas tree this weekend... and if you are working so hard and can afford a luxury like new lights and decorations for a Christmas tree, what excuse could there be for not being able to have your house cleaned professionally if you refuse to keep it habitable yourself?

Anonymous said...

I never said I shopped for a tree this weekend.  I already had the tree.  It's not a six-footer, so it only took about 10 minutes to decorate.

The new lights cost me a fraction of the price of a professional housecleaner.  In addition, as I have said before, I hire cleaners, and they refuse to do what they are told.  They advertise as "house cleaner" but what they mean is "duster".  They want to do the light work that I can (and do) do myself, but not the heavier things that I cannot manage.  Doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't do some of these things.  That's not laziness, that's physical disability.  

If you find me someone who agrees to do the heavy work, the stuff I can't do, I will be pleased to hire them.  So far, I've had people say they will, and after they get their money upfront, they don't want to do it.  I'm not averse to spending money on cleaning; I am averse to hiring people who only want to do those chores that I have already done.

You're proving your own personality defects by making false statements criticizing what you would have liked to hear me say, which the actual posts in those other forums prove is NOT what I actually said.

I went to two stores: the drugstore and the grocery.  That's not an all-day shopping trip to the mall like you seem to think it was; I doubt it was even an hour, and I had help carrying things.  Then I rested on the couch for over an hour and spent a few minutes decorating the tree.  And because I had been out and about, I was exhausted and collapsed into bed around 8:30 already.  That's hardly the "picture of health" you'd like people to see in my posts when I admit that I'm not 100% bedridden 100% of the time.

That's a helluva long way from what you THINK you heard me say in public forums.  As is just about everything you represent I've said.  You're the one with the problem recognizing reality and telli

Anonymous said...

And now, at 9 PM, while you're sitting on your lazy ass doing nothing useful, I'm going back to work, because I don't knock off at 5.  Never did.  I made a career of starting at 8:30 and working till midnight.  Something you'll never understand.

The only difference is, now I can't work straight through.  I need a lot of rest breaks, and often 2-hour naps, before I can continue working.  That excessive need for rest -- not laziness -- is the reason that I'm considered disabled: the law does not require any employer to allow me to rest for several hours during the normal work day.  

Maybe you should get your facts straight before you accuse me of not telling the truth.

And if reading my "whining" annoys you, then stop reading my blog, and stop joining groups that you know I'm a member of.  Your big announcement that you were killfiling me on RCTN the same day you joined a group that you knew full well I'm a member of proves that you have serious problems with reality.  Did you think you were going to run me out of my friend's group?

The proof is now here for posterity of the verbal abuse that CFS patients endure when their best isn't good enough.  Thank you for proving my point that some people are prejudiced.

Anonymous said...

Are you stupid, lady?  Don't you understand that Karen does as much as she can, but the people she hires are too lazy do to what she can't?

She had Seanette and Bob there for 2.5 months and the place deteriorated because THEY were making a mess.  It wasn't Karen who moved the canned goods from the kitchen to the dining room, and it wasn't Karen who moved the stuff stored in the guest room into the living room, and it sure wasn't Karen's bird shitting all over the place.  But it was Karen who had to clean up after the bird and Karen who had to clean up after Seanette and Bob.

You're an ass to think that Karen isn't trying to help herself.  She's done everything she can, but the people she relies on for help have screwed her over.  I've seen the medical records, with doctors writing things that aren't true.  And I saw the house before Seanette moved in and after.  I know that Karen's telling the truth.  But you're too wrapped up in your hatred of Karen to accept anything that doesn't paint her in a bad light.  Get over it, bitch!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you choose to believe Seanette's lie that Karen's too cheap to pay for cleaning. Pity Seanette doesn't mention how much money Karen has paid THEM - as much as $35 an hour. But that would shoot to hell Seanette's claims.

I can vouch that Karen hired many housecleaners. In each case, I saw the Before and I saw the After. After spending thousands of dollars, her house was actually a bigger mess. The living room was spotless when Seanette moved in, and a disaster when she got kicked out. The dining room was spotless when Rose started, and every flat surface was covered in laundry when she quit - the socks were in with the shirts and took Karen most of a day to sort and put away what ROSE was paid to sort and put away.

I tried to find a cleaner for her and ran into the same problem she did: the agencies said their people weren't allowed to do what Karen needed done.

Hiring Bob and Seanette was supposed to solve the problem of theft. But they were bigger frauds than the strangers!

The problem isn't that Karen's cheap. The problem is that cleaners are lazy. Neither of us has found one who's worth the $15-$20 an hour.

Anonymous said...

It cost Karen thousands of dollars to have Seanette and Bob living with her.  That's not someone who's too cheap to pay for the help she needs.

That's someone who contracts for the help she needs and gets defrauded by the people she hires.  

Then they went into court and tried to tell the judge that they were unable to clean the house because "we're amateurs".  This wasn't something technical like water damage or smoke damage that required a professional.  This was cleaning Karen's house in the same way that they would clean their own house and that you clean your house and that I clean my house.  

They were "unable" to clean Karen's house because they were playing computer games all day instead of doing what they were hired for.  If it had been my house, they would've been out within 48 hours of moving in if they didn't start doing what they were supposed to.

The judge made it clear that the reason he didn't make them pay was statute of limitations on the breach of contract.  Not that he thought they were wrongly accused or innocent.

Anonymous said...

I know Karen and I know she works.  I see the checks coming in paying her for that work.

I have a perspective that Lynn does not have - FIRST-HAND.  I see the truth.  I don't make assumptions.  I don't have to believe what Seanette says, and I wouldn't because I believe Seanette to be a bald-faced liar.  When the truth won't get her sympathy, she lies.  She even lied in court, risking a perjury charge.

If you're going to believe someone about what kind of person Karen is, don't believe Seanette.  Sure as hell don't believe Lynn, who's never met Karen in person and never seen the house.

Maeve and JoAnn have known Karen for 40 years.  I think they're pretty good judges of her character.  Much more reliable than this Lynn who twists things around and knows NOTHING.  JoAnn and I have actually been inside the house and know that it's not as big a mess as Seanette and Lynn want you to believe.  And Lynn's never been within 3000 miles of the house.

What you have here is character assassination by a couple of people who don't like Karen because she's made something of herself.  Don't believe their lies.  They're just jealous because Karen's a success and they're not.  

Anonymous said...

Lynn writes:can afford a luxury like new lights and decorations for a Christmas tree, what excuse could there be for not being able to have your house cleaned professionally if you refuse to keep it habitable yourself?

The excuse is that Karen has spent thousands of dollars hiring people to clean the house "professionally" and these people didn't want to do what they were hired for.

They want to dust.  Karen does that herself.

When she asks them to do something more strenuous, they complain and do a shitty job or flat out refuse.  Why should she waste more money hiring them to come back and NOT do the work again?

She had one earlier this year who seemed to be doing a good job.  Then Karen decided that instead of wasting her time watching Rose clean, she would use her time to earn the money to pay Rose, and that was Rose's cue to slack off.  Rose was there 15 hours a week some weeks and in five months never even touched the living room or the dining room.  It's a tiny house, so the only reason someone couldn't get the place spotless in 15 hours a week is because THEY'RE NOT WORKING.

If you don't work, you get fired.  Which is what Karen wisely did to every one of these lazy bitches who were hired to clean and didn't.

I'll note that the day before Rose started, the house was approved by the inspector; it was spotless.  And the day Rose quit, there was crap piled on every flat surface that Rose couldn't be bothered to put away, and cobwebs everywhere.  Would YOU pay for that quality of "cleaning"?

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that I am to blame for Karen now ALSO being a needlework designer... hmmm... more work on her platter. And at least one or twice a month she does work for our internet company too... which by the way due to HARD WORK put in by someone accused by Caryn Sutherland to be friends with another bitch. Well, I can say that a couple of years people tried to destroy me publicly - if you ever noticed a witch hunt, that was it. The only person who CARED, was KAREN CAMPBELL!!! Caryn pretended to care at the time, inviting me to her yahoogroup, then kicking me out because I stood up for Karen's rights and defending the fact that she was really ill. Maybe Caryn realised that she had met her match - me, a total unknown, had been published in a magazine, and had more designs to my name than she did, and there's Karen, someone who, in her eyes was claiming to be seriously ill, and who was whilst ill running a successful business. And there she is STILL with the same 8-9 or so designs she had TWO YEARS AGO, stuck in the rut, and possibly projecting her own unhappiness onto others. Well, Caryn, I'd say one thing, I got a business that's about to RELAUNCH in a major way, my husband has a business that is going to launch in a major way and Karen, well, let's just say that when both mine and husband's businesses launch, she only got time to do work us on retainer for a few years to come. We are so itty bitty close to this happening. And how much work do we put in - well, about a hundred or so hours or more a week - LESSON OF THE DAY, it takes HARD WORK TO GET WHERE YOU WANT TO GO WITH YOUR OWN DESTINY!!!

Anonymous said...

Some tips for procrastonators who decide to or have critized Karen or myself in the past:

1. Decide on what you want from life - don't go through life saying "Hopefully..." or "Will see..."  - do what Karen and I do... WORK TO CREATE WHAT YOU WANT FROM LIFE. If you want to be a sloth, act like one, if you want to be successful, act that way and WORK FOR IT - Karen does that, and I do that...

2. Show some commitment - some of the people who have critisized Karen (and me as well) have been showing signs that their only commitment to anything is to critisize others who have it better than themselves. If Karen lived by "Some day I'll get better", she'd concentrating all her energy on that and not on running a business. If I said "Some day I'll be a well-known designer, I don't think I do half as much work as I do...

3. Take action to enforce what you want your life to be like - if you want to allow your illness to rule you life or lack of whatever to rule it or the way you were brought up to rule it, go ahead, sulk and be unhappy, but don't critisize those of us (Karen and I) who are taking action to make our lives better, more fulfilled and all that... even with the limitations we got ourselves facing - Karen's CFS/ME and my back problem. We work on creating positive bounderies in our being, such as not letting illness or disability get to us!

Anonymous said...

Some more tips for procrastonators who decide to or have critized Karen or myself in the past:

4. Focus on what you want! Karen wants to be able to work, I want to be a successful business woman. To us that's more important than what limits us - illness or disability. Just because YOU want to concentrate on this aspect of us, and not on WHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED, that doesn't mean you can critisize us when we are feeling unable to do the work one day.

5. Karen and I have created a supportive environment for each other and at for those who are in the same boat as Karen (I am lucky that I don't have the disease, but the disease has touched me because I lost my sister because of it - something I am now making sure has a positive affect on how I do things and something that I am using to make sure that awareness is raised by 1000%! If YOU feel YOU are not achieving enough in life, find yourself a mentor. My mentor is Karen, because she teaches me that there's more to life than feeling sorry for yourself, and that you CAN overcome adversaries - so maybe you want to take action to get going in your life now... instead of critisizing others.

6. And aren't you in the slightest bit CURIOUS what you could achieve IF you DID NOT act out your hatred or your limiting values of right or wrong or maybe even were not as critical of someone else - we're all HUMANS, we all make MISTAKES, it whether you CAN LOOK PAST those mistakes whether you get the most out of life.

Anonymous said...

And I don't I could say "Karen" and "slothful" in one sentence because when she does 90 hours of reading through transcripts - maybe the THIRD ONE this month - you can't call that slothful.

I work 12-14 hours a day, seven days a week - ON TWO BUSINESSES!!!

Karen works maybe half that, but then she's got a VALID REASON for that!!!

Do you ONLY do maybe "housewife chores"??

Well GUESS WHAT??? So do Karen and I.... especially as Karen can't get RELIABLE cleaners who DON'T want top dollar for the job. And I do it because I need to or the house would be a tip. Is your house a tip? You're only one to blame for it - well, maybe others in Karen's case.

Well, guess what again!!! If you spent LESS time here critisizing an uncurable disease, and MORE time doing something fruitful and inspiring - such as maybe, god forbid, raise its awareness - than YOU would end up feeling like you had done something WORTHWHILE with your time and therefore more ENABLED to be POSITIVE!!!

And since all you do is seek out to critisize, it's obvious to us all that you don't have much going for you in life anyway. I do, and so does Karen... teehee!!!!

Anonymous said...


A reliable house cleaner in Sacramento who wants TOP DOLLAR to help a ill, disabled, generous lady with her own home-run business, to make it easier for this lady to get through life!!!

If you think you could do this job, and you want to know more about the ins and outs of this job, contact the owner of this Blog and get the work details.

Your prequisites:
- you are not afraid of hard work
- you are a hard worker
- you are reliable
- you don't mind cleaning in odd places or moving boxes
- you care about people

How to apply, contact the owner of this Blog and then see where it takes you...

Anonymous said...

Here is the actual text of the post about the shopping excursion.  I'll let the readers decide whether this was a massive outing or a brief one:

I did not break my rule of not setting foot into anything but a grocery or pharmacy between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  But nowadays, you can get just about anything in our supermarkets and super-drugstores!  The grocery we went to had a three-day special on 19" TV/monitors and 5" color TV/CD/DVD/AM/FM, and the drugstore has a nice selection of cameras, CD players, and toys!!!!

Normally, I participate in Buy Nothing Day, but Brian and I were both out of milk, and, well, in for a penny, in for a pound as they say....  The drugstore had the extension cord and timer I needed to run the lighted decoration in my guest room window, and was running some specials on other things we could use, and as we were heading to the checkout, I spotted where the brand of bubble bath with Strawberry Milkshake and Chocolate Mint was buy one, get one free, so two of those jumped into my cart, too.

Then at the supermarket, in addition to the milk, meat, bread, soup we really needed, I also picked up some extra Christmas cards (having discovered that the ones I bought on clearance last year I only had 2 packages, not the 3 I thought I remembered, and each box had only 2/3 the number I thought).

Anonymous said...

And here's the actual text of the post about the Christmas tree.  You decide whether this says that I actually bought the tree and decorations the same day I put it up, or whether, once again, Caryn is lying because she can't stand the truth that I must do things in increments.  In fact, if she'd been paying attention, we bought the tree and ornaments in OCTOBER!  

While the rest of the world was off fighting crowds at the mall, I was home decorating the tree.  This year, I decided to do a traditional European tree.  We found straw ornaments at Ikea, even a straw tree-topper.  I got two strings of lights that look like white candles.  WalMart didn't have enough plain red ribbon, so I got creative with a red-based plaid.

I decided the traditional white candles didn't quite give enough light for an American tree, so I pieced out with a couple strings of white twinkle lights.

And then, because I'm a MEAN cat-mom, I put some large jingle bells on the bottom branches.  If anyone even thinks about getting close to the tree, Mom will know.  :)   May not be entirely traditional, but it will be useful!

Anonymous said...

Nathalie writes: And I don't I could say "Karen" and "slothful" in one sentence because when she does 90 hours of reading through transcripts - maybe the THIRD ONE this month - you can't call that slothful.

Second complete trial of the month, but I've done 14 transcripts total in the last 2 weeks, not counting the two that just came in and are promised back today.  Hardly "slothful", unless you're comparing me to the me I used to be before CFS, when I could've done ten times as much work.

Then again, before CFS, I wasn't spending 4-5 hours a day in the bathroom and another 3-4 hours taking naps, so we know exactly why I'm no longer as productive as I once was.

And, today being "one of those days" by 4:30 AM already, it looks like the laptop will be coming into the bathroom with me so I can meet the deadline.

Hey, Caryn (a/k/a Lynn) -- how often have YOU worked for pay while in the bathroom?  You must be terribly slothful not to take your work with you when you go, like I do.  And have done many times over the past 6.5 years.  

Just another case of the pot calling the kettle black.  Over the past 6.5 years, I've worked more, and earned more, than you have in the past 10.  Now, that's pretty damn bad, when a disabled person can out-do a healthy one.  Or maybe that's the problem?  My ability to keep going despite immense challenges makes YOU look bad?  Took away your excuses to not work?

Dr. Starlanyl, who is both a doctor and a patient, says "that you function at all is a miracle".  I think that's a pretty accurate assessment of the Type A personalities who get CFS -- they go to heroic lengths to keep functioning.  Making other people jealous.

Anonymous said...

My name is Lynn, I have FMS (I hate that Karen uses Fibro, when so many physical problems start with f-i-b-r-o___).  

Being accused of being whoever this Caryn is, stuns me.

I had read the description of this blog, and thought that perhaps Karen would say something helpful to me as she claims to have FMS as well as CFS.

I never found anything useful.  I did find a lot of whining, or carrying on about lawsuits, shopping, and downright hatefulness toward other people.

I work full time, I have a family, which means TWO fulltime jobs.  My FMS gives me daily pain, which I am unable to take much for, because it's either be in pain and be able to work, or take a vicodin and be a space cadet.  I'm paid well, btw.

I won't bother posting again, because it's clear that Karen and her possibly made up friend Nathalie are both slightly insane and definitely self-centered jerks.

I'm sure I can find a lot of help and support elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooohhhh WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....

I am now an imaginary person in Karen's mind....  LOL LOL LOL

I wonder IF Lynn or whatever she is, wants to PAY my phonebills I have... about $200 every three months... from now... THEN she'll KNOW how REAL I am.

Oh and guess what!!! This imaginary person is going to be doing a big promotion in the next few months to all sorts of shops so I wonder HOW they'll manage to do a pattern signing with an INVISIBLE WOMAN...

(Laughing my ASS off with the idiocy of Lynn)


Anonymous said...

I guess there's a nerve or two that's been hit here.. or you wouldn't be screaming so loudly with all of your voices.  It's too bad that your faithful defenders can't read objectively in all of the places you feel the need to spread your stories.  They'd see how they just don't match up at all.  But that's their issue not mine.

And I have no idea who this Caryn is that you're so concerned about, but that seems like another issue all together, too.  You truly might consider some of the therapies that you've tried to claim are total bunk.  They would do much more to help someone like you than a sleeping pill.  
the posters here; you have two people who seem to

Anonymous said...

station40gal said: You truly might consider some of the therapies that you've tried to claim are total bunk.

Can you suggest to ALL OF US WHAT these therapies might be??

Just curious how clued up you actually are about this disease - which I am...

Otherwise don't make unsubstantiated claims about either Karen or myself and what we say here.


Anonymous said...

Lynn writes: It's too bad that your faithful defenders can't read objectively in all of the places you feel the need to spread your stories.

Nathalie reads most of the same places I do.  Two of the three places that Christmas tree post was sent to are groups owned by Nathalie, and she reads in the third of them.  She also reads my blog, and in several other groups that we're both members of.

However, having first-hand experience with a CFS patient, she knows from personal observation of her sister that there are good days when you can do a few things and bad days when you are bedridden.  

Reporting different levels of ability on different days (or different times on the same day) is absolutely what a CFS patient should do.  Dr. Bell has identified an "energy window" in the early/mid-afternoon when patients would be able to do a little cleaning or some errands.  He's heard it from hundreds of patients, some of whom had no contact with others and therefore didn't know what the others were reporting.  

I'd never heard of CFS till I was diagnosed.  There were no books out where I could find out what I "should" be reporting.  Only a limited selection of symptoms was in magazine articles; I reported some that weren't released for public consumption, therefore, the doctor knew they were real.

Anonymous said...

Lynn writes:  You truly might consider some of the therapies that you've tried to claim are total bunk.  They would do much more to help someone like you than a sleeping pill.  

I had a variety of anti-depressants forced on me.  They made me sicker.  Research proves that anti-depressants are useless against CFS, and I agree.

Then there's learning coping skills.  I have other chronic illnesses, so it was no big deal for me to accept that I had one more without getting depressed.  

The biggest problem I had with learning coping skills was "pacing", i.e., learning to stop pushing yourself to exhaustion just to do what other people think you should.  I still struggle with the concept of doing less.  And then people like you come along and tell me that I have to do more to prove to you that I'm not just lazy.

And people like you ASSUME that the house is covered in garbage, which is absolutely untrue.  Brian has put several comments in this blog that it is untrue.  You can call him and prove to yourself that he's definitely not a woman named Karen.

The inspector cited me for boxes blocking fire exits -- boxes that healthy people were instructed to move and didn't.  You're supposed to believe that after telling them "put these boxes in the basement", I screamed because they were putting them in the basement, which is just another phony excuse for not doing the chores.

The inspector cited me because in the process of breaking into the house, the police kicked my medications off the shelf and kicked a box of medical supplies out of the corner into the middle of the floor and spilled the contents.  Those problems didn't exist until someone came in through a window.  It's certainly not illegal to put your pills on a bathroom shelf; the problem was that the inspector saw half of them on the floor and the other half in the trash can.

Anonymous said...

You know, Lynn, accusing me and Nathalie of being the same person says more about you than about us.

You check her websites and you check mine; clearly we are very different people with very different skills.  You call the phone numbers listed on those sites.  You will get an American at the US number and someone with an accent at the Britain number.  

You look at her needlework designs and you look at mine, and you will see that there are vast differences in our drawing talents and styles.

The problem is, that you simply do not want to believe anything other than what you have your mind set on.  You don't want to hear from Nathalie or Brian or Maeve or JoAnn that I'm not the slothful slob you've convinced yourself I must be.  You don't want to hear from Brian that he's seen for himself that people hired to clean are the ones who make messes of my previously-clean house.

You'd rather make some paranoid accusation that Nathalie and I are one totally insane person than to listen to the facts or do the simple investigation that would prove you are wrong.  My mental health has been double- and triple-checked in the process of applying for disability and they've found no emotional problems whatsoever.  No depression.  No psychosis.  No paranoia.  The concensus is that I have the problems that come along with a chronic flu-like illness, and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

And I would like to add for general consumption by those at RCTN and other places - the places that CHOSE to drive away a very nice person who cares about people JUST BECAUSE someone posted unsubstansiated LIES about me, that I am still around, still designing, still working... even if you all tried to send me to the hospital by giving me a nervous breakdown. The only persons who have EVER shown they CARE about me are Karen and Meli, and Karen was THE ONLY person who was really there to help me cope when my sister died... yes, that same sister which is WHY I know WHAT someone goes through with this disease... where moving a pile of 10 CDs can be exhausting or where a 3 minute walk to the bus stop means, she had to call mother and get her to drive her BACK HOME because she was on the verge of collapsing. This SAME person had MANAGED to learn to ski - something a relatively healthy person like me can't even do or attempt. And this same person was calling for greater women's rights for women in Afghanistan and surrounding regions - which makes her death an even greater tragedy and loss to the world.

In other words, what I am saying is, look at the POTENTIAL that the world LOST when the person became ill... hmm... I think I would set up a webpage that people ill with this disease can post WHAT THEY WOULD BE DOING with their career if fate hadn't dealt them this disease... What do think, Karen?


Anonymous said...

I am breaking my word, but I cannot let this pass.

In addition to not being "Caryn" I also did not say the things Karen is attributing to me.  I am not "Station40gal" and it would nice if you'd take your argument with what she said to her instead of attributing it to me.

You say you can proofread?  Then take the time to check the names of who posts you twit.

Twice now you have taking something that person said and claimed  that either I or "Caryn" said them.  You even called Caryn a liar over something Station40gal said.  I do hope that Caryn is NOT reading this because I believe what you've done is libel her.

But then, you do love small claims court where you have a captive audience, right?


Anonymous said...

Nathalie writes: I think I would set up a webpage that people ill with this disease can post WHAT THEY WOULD BE DOING with their career if fate hadn't dealt them this disease... What do think, Karen?

That's "Madame President of the United States", if you please.

The hardest part of my class reunion was explaining a hundred times why it is that I'm not president yet.  Or at least governor.  I was an aspiring politico starting to get offers when I got sick.  I couldn't continue to be active in politics without giving up my day job.  I thought they'd have a cure in a year or two and I could get back on track.  Here we are, 18 years after my diagnosis, and they still have nothing to help.

Anonymous said...

Okay then, we go from:

p.s. Can't you find any new quacks to quote?
Comment from hateliloveva - 11/21/06 3:00 PM


But then, you do love small claims court where you have a captive audience, right?

Comment from hateliloveva - 11/28/06 5:23 PM

Hmmmmmmmmmm.... someone slipped up in a massive way... as they say, the truth will prevail. I wonder WHAT anyone small claims court will make of the slipup of the person behind the facade of hateliloveva.

Well, I guess hateliloveva has had their ID compromised now as it seems TWO people are using the SAME ID - which is in breach of the terms of AOL... OR it's ONE AND THE SAME PERSON... now EXPOSED AS CARYN LYNN...

Oh Ms. Sutherland, don't bother filing a small claims court lawsuit against me - they're not applicable in Britain. And you're welcome to travel to the UK AT YOUR EXPENSE to file one over here. Unless you can PROVE that it was not you, you have no case. I can assure you that as an ISP, we can subpoena AOL to release information to us about WHO has accessed Karen's blog. I don't want to be in your shoes if the IP address matches that used by Ms. hateliloveva or any other ID that's been criticising us because then you hand us (that's Karen and I) the evidence that's needed to take matters further. You're digging your own grave if you keep on with this futile attempt at bashing. Maybe I should contact where you work and tell them you are wasting work time posting on the internet when you should be doing your job.


Anonymous said...

Small claims court doesn't do libel, and, as Nathalie points out, US court has no jurisdiction over British citizens.

To sue me, you would have to reveal your true identity.  If you are who we think you are, that opens you up to being countersued for all the false accusations you've made against us.  Nathalie has a pretty good case for having her business ruined by your lies, and I'm sure she still has those e-mails on file; since that made her unable to work in OUR business, I'm sure I have a claim for lost income off it, too.

As for me, it's pretty clear that your accusations that my house is knee-deep in garbage have no basis in fact, since you have never been inside the house and have never seen any photos showing these piles of trash you claim are there, so it's a slam-dunk for my lawyer to take your house away from you, just for starters.

Do you really want Nathalie and me living in your house and telling all the neighbors the truth about what kind of person you really are?

Anonymous said...

Lynn or Caryn (or maybe both) write " I am not "Station40gal"

My, my.  You mean it was just a coincidence that minutes after I deleted a snide comment by one of you, the other just happened to post a comment with the identical first sentence?

Just like it's an uncanny coincidence that "Lynn" and Caryn Lynn have similar names.

And they both hate LI.

And they both love living in Virginia.

And they both read the exact same groups to know what I said in them.

Shall I go on?  

Meanwhile, accusing me and Nathalie of being the same person when it is obvious from reading our business websites that we are not.  You can call the numbers on those websites and hear that one of us has an accent and the other doesn't.  It says something about YOU that you'd make an accusation that's easily proved false.

I suppose next you're going to accuse us of also being Brian, JoAnn and Maeve?  Would you like their phone numbers so that you can verify that they don't sound anything like either me or Nat?  Go check your facts before you get sued.

Anonymous said...

Lynn writes:  You truly might consider some of the therapies that you've tried to claim are total bunk.

FACTS ABOUT THERAPIES that really ARE total bunk:
By  ME Research UK

The original case description of the illness, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) - Acheson, 1959; Dowsett et al, 1990 - referred to a condition, commonly of infectious onset, characterised by:
a) Exercise-induced myalgia and fatigue precipitated by trivial exertion (physical or mental).
b) Neurological disturbance, especially of cognitive, autonomic, and sensory systems. ...
c) An extended and relapsing course with fluctuation of symptoms, usually precipitated by either physical or mental exercise; typically, the symptoms vary capriciously from hour-to-hour and day-to-day...

Fatigue is not their primary problem: musculoskeletal pain and post-exertional myalgia along with other physical signs are far more prominent, corresponding more closely to the classical definition of ME.

... The fact that these trials of CBT [cognitive behavioral therapy] and GET [graded exercise therapy] have had relatively unspectacular results is less important to reviewers than the fact that they are "positive".

...There is no need for us to list here the range of biomedical investigations already conducted on people with ME/CFS - these have already been flagged for the attention of the GDG, and a full database of over 3000 abstracts exists at

..."Graded exercise was felt to be the treatment that  made more people worse than any other. ...  93% of respondents found CBT unhelpful and that GET was found to be unhelpful by 95%.

Which of these do you suggest I try, the one useless for 93% or the one useless for 95% (which actually made people worse)?

Anonymous said...

I am Caryn, I do have FMS, have had it for over 10 years according to my rheumotologist and GP.  

Yes, I did do the stay at home mom thing for 12 yrs.  I did not get paid, but I worked my ass off everyday.  I did not lay around drinking cheap red wine and eating cheese, or bon-bons or whatever you think stay at home moms do.  Keeping a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house clean is WORK, cooking for a family of 5 is WORK, doing 6-9 loads of laundry a week is WORK.  Clearly you are unaware of it since you won't do it for your self!  Now I work for pay, plus my job at home.

I only believe that Brian exists because I have had outside confirmation.  Why any man would put up with your constant whining is beyond me, unless you save that side of your personality for online seems unlikely tho.  Given your past with men, I have come to the conclusion that Brian is probably just as much of a loser as the men you've picked to share your life in the past.

Nathalie's claims of innocence and witchhunts are amusing, since there are so many claims from others that she is no innocent.  When there are that many opposing stories, it's hard to believe one word out of her mouth.  The two of you obviously have some sort of symbiotic relationship, each one enabling the other  to believe the things you each claim are the truth, and you are both perpetual victims.

I discovered this blog of yours because Station40Gal emailed me, she reads RCTN (and apparently other groups you post to, altho I don't know which), and thought I'd laugh (or gag, not sure which) over your amazing claims here about the trial with Seanette.   You remember, the one you LOST???

She is a separate person from me, but obviously shares my feelings about you.  Is it really that hard for you (and Nathalie) to believe that more than one person thinks most of what you say is BS?

Seems you have an audience of people who r

Anonymous said...

I am Caryn, I do have FMS, have had it for over 10 years according to my rheumotologist and GP.  

Yes, I did do the stay at home mom thing for 12 yrs.  I did not get paid, but I worked my ass off everyday.  I did not lay around drinking cheap red wine and eating cheese, or bon-bons or whatever you think stay at home moms do.  Keeping a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house clean is WORK, cooking for a family of 5 is WORK, doing 6-9 loads of laundry a week is WORK.  Clearly you are unaware of it since you won't do it for your self!  Now I work for pay, plus my job at home.

I only believe that Brian exists because I have had outside confirmation.  Why any man would put up with your constant whining is beyond me, unless you save that side of your personality for online seems unlikely tho.  Given your past with men, I have come to the conclusion that Brian is probably just as much of a loser as the men you've picked to share your life in the past.

Nathalie's claims of innocence and witchhunts are amusing, since there are so many claims from others that she is no innocent.  When there are that many opposing stories, it's hard to believe one word out of her mouth.  The two of you obviously have some sort of symbiotic relationship, each one enabling the other  to believe the things you each claim are the truth, and you are both perpetual victims.

I discovered this blog of yours because Station40Gal emailed me, she reads RCTN (and apparently other groups you post to, altho I don't know which), and thought I'd laugh (or gag, not sure which) over your amazing claims here about the trial with Seanette.   You remember, the one you LOST???

She is a separate person from me, but obviously shares my feelings about you.  Is it really that hard for you (and Nathalie) to believe that more than one person thinks most of what you say is BS?

Seems you have an audience of people who r

Anonymous said...

Caryn said: Nathalie's claims of innocence and witchhunts are amusing, since there are so many claims from others that she is no innocent.  When there are that many opposing stories, it's hard to believe one word out of her mouth.

Well, guess what!!! If you never are allowed to tell your side of your story, you'd feel the same way. LIKE I told YOU when I was STILL in your yahoogroup, ALL I wanted was my fabric and threads back and then I would pay for the stitching DONE - which is what OTHER DESIGNERS such as Marilyn Leavitt-Iblum do AFTER work is gotten back. I've been accused of stealing designs from the other designers I worked with, why would I need to when I have almost 500 designs of MY OWN that I designed. I KNOW I owe SOME money to SOME designers, but would YOU pay a modelstitcher for stitching a pattern COMPLETELY WRONG. Oh, and I CAN ONLY PAY THE MODELSTITCHERS WHEN I GOT AN INCOME YOU KNOW - the people who are STOPPING ME FROM EARNING are ONLY making it less likely to be paid by their own actions. Currently my earnings are JUST paying for my costs - if I earned more, I could pay them.

Anonymous said...

Caryn writes:
Keeping a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house clean is WORK, cooking for a family of 5 is WORK, doing 6-9 loads of laundry a week is WORK.  Clearly you are unaware of it since you won't do it for your self!  

You forget -- I cleaned my own house for decades.  It's only since 2000 that I've been hiring people to do it.  

I frequently cleaned my house at midnight after working three jobs.  I know exactly how much work goes into cleaning a house ... especially one inhabited by a husband who won't pick up after himself and thinks the living room floor is a good place for his dirty underwear.  He could un-do 8 hours of cleaning in under 15 minutes.

I cooked dinner from scratch every single night, after coming home from work.  We didn't stop for fast food and pizza was a rare treat -- maybe twice a year.  We ate much healthier and cheaper at home.

And I suppose you think that we sent all our laundry out?  Admittedly, with 2 people, you don't do 9 loads a week, but that had to be fit into the schedule, too.

Of course, the question is, why your girls aren't helping now that you've gone back to work.  At 12, I was already skilled enough to take care of a household AND a quarantined patient.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Karen, with two people you CAN have nine loads a week. And I cook every day - from fresh ingredients. And I do all the cleaning and tidying EVENTHOUGH I got a back problem. AND then I run TWO businesses as well - just finishing my new catalogue to send out to EIGHT shops (should be doing that this weekend), and then it's being shipped to another load of shops. And then an advert in The Needlework Retailer is planned early next year. Hmmmm... I am a busy person... LOL


Anonymous said...

Nathalie writes: I do all the cleaning and tidying EVENTHOUGH I got a back problem

And I did all the daily cleaning and tidying until I went on the medication that did what it was supposed to do better than anything else I'd tried, but had the side effect of causing daily fainting spells.  It's rather difficult to keep the house clean when you go unconscious every time you stand up for more than a minute.

It's also not advisable to carry boxes downstairs if you're fainting regularly.  Could cause some nasty injuries when you fall down a flight of stairs.  

So, I hired people to do the chores I couldn't do, and they figured that if I was spending all my time in bed, I'd never notice that they'd charged me $60 or $80 to do absolutely nothing.

Or they'd try to tell me that what I know from decades of experience to be a half-hour job took them 4 hours.  Because if I'm unable to clean now, then "obviously" I have never cleaned in my life and will believe that every little thing should take hours to do.  And that it is impossible to do anything else while waiting for the laundry to finish, except sit around for 45 minutes and wait for the machine to stop.  I used to clean the entire house in the time it took for one load to wash and dry, so I'm not buying that it takes anyone 4 hours to clean a single room.  In 4 hours, I could Q-Tip every nook and cranny of this tiny house.

Anonymous said...

Karen said: In 4 hours, I could Q-Tip every nook and cranny of this tiny house.

Hmmm, Karen, I think that Q-Tip is for correcting typed or written work, it's not meant as a crack covering up solution. LOL LOL LOL

Well, maybe SOME people out there would possibly use it to hide dust they were hired to tidy up... <wink><wink>


Anonymous said...

<<downright hatefulness toward other people.>>

I don't know where you see this in Karen's writings, though I see it frequently in yours.  You very clearly hate Karen.

Karen corrects the misconceptions about her written by Seanette.  That's not hateful - that's getting the truth out.  She tells the truth about other people who have disappointed her by not doing what they promised.  

I'll tell you, when I saw Karen's house the first time, it was spotless.  A lot cleaner than most working women keep their houses.  

Other than some boxes that needed to be put away, it remained clean and presentable UNTIL Seanette moved in.  Then it went downhill fast.  Karen couldn't put things away herself because Seanette was piling things in front of every storage area, making it impossible to open the doors without first moving heavy boxes that Seanette knows Karen can't move.  Seanette and Bob were dropping their garbage on the floor; Karen's room got no worse, though every room that Seanette and Bob used did.  

So any of you who think that the house is a mess because karen is a slob, you don't know Karen.  The house got to be a mess because of Seanette and Bob.  They didn't put things away and made sure Karen couldn't either.  Then they were asked to leave because she wasn't happy with their "cleaning", and they got their revenge for her making her own decision about who lives in her hosue by making a false police report.  She told me several times if they had done the chores, they'd be living there still.

Anonymous said...

Caryn writes: Brian is probably just as much of a loser as the men you've picked to share your life in the past

I may not be president of IBM, but I'm certainly not a loser.  I just got a new job working for one of the most respected attorneys in town.  I was a manager for a major retail chain before I got tired of the Christmas crush and became a paralegal instead.

Stop letting your obvious hatred of Karen get in the way of your thinking.  I don't know why you hate her so much, but the people who know her personally cannot imagine that this sweet lady could have done anything to make you hate her.  

Nathalie has suggested that the problem is that you are jealous of Karen's education and her career.  If that's why you hate her, then the problem isn't Karen, it's YOU.  Maybe you're jealous because she got a good education and had a good-paying career while you got knocked up?  You have only yourself to blame.  It certainly isn't Karen's fault that you didn't get as far in life as she did by working her ass off for 30 years.  

I'm pretty impressed that someone who has CFS, fibro AND arthritis figured out a way to earn $25+/hour instead of whining that she has health problems and can't work at all.  Maybe you're jealous because she can run a successful business and you can't.  

Anonymous said...

<<You forget -- I cleaned my own house for decades.  It's only since 2000 that I've been hiring people to do it. >>

That's right.  Karen cleaned her own house for years and did an excellent job of it.

In 2000, she was still doing most of her own cleaning but hired someone to do some things she couldn't or shouldn't do, and the woman did absolutely nothing.  I saw the house before she came and after she left and I saw no change.  I saw for myself that the oven wasn't cleaned after Karen paid extra to have that done.   Not only wasn't it worth $80 to have her house cleaned by this woman, it wasn't worth $5.

Karen continued to do most of the hosuecleaning herself and hire people occasionally to do what she couldn't.  In each case, I saw for myself how little they did.  The things she needed done weren't touched.

To this day, Karen does most of her own cleaning.  So I don't know where anyone gets off saying that she doesn't clean, becasue I know she does.  And I know who does the laundry - her.  And I know who does the cooking - her.  She cooks for me too, and it's excellent cooking.  So, lady, wherever you're getting your information that she flings trash on the floor and doesn't lift a finger around the house, your information is wrong.  Even when Seanette was living there, Karen was doing more cleaning than Seantte.

Anonymous said...

You have a husband and kids who help around the house.  i'm sure that you're not doing the housework and the yardwork and earning all the income and doing every thing else that needs to be done all by yourself.  But you seem to have a problem that Karen hires people to help her around the house to do all that stuff that your husband and kids do.

Maybe you're jealous because your husband won't let you hire help?

Maybe you're jealous because your husband can give or withhold permission for how you spend your earnings?

Maybe you're jealous because Karen's situation is so much worse than yours that you think she's siphoning off the sympathy that's rightly yours.

Lady, you'd better go do some serious introspection about why you hate Karen so much.  Maybe YOU need to go get some professional help to help you deal with this deep hatred of a woman you've never even met.  

Meanwhile, let me give you some advice that Karen got from a doctor 20 years ago: just tell your husband you want to quit your job.  The last thing Karen wanted to do was give up a career she'd spent years preparing for, but it seems that all you do is whine about hte fact that your husband makes you work.  So stand up to him and tell him you hate working andyou got married so you'd never have to work again.

Anonymous said...

Brian said: I'm pretty impressed that someone who has CFS, fibro AND arthritis figured out a way to earn $25+/hour instead of whining that she has health problems and can't work at all.  Maybe you're jealous because she can run a successful business and you can't.  

Hey guess what, Brian, Caryn has TWO women to be jealous off - Karen and I. I help run an internet business with my husband which is valued at about $65,000 after only 18 months of running - and 95% of the work is because of my efforts and hard work. Which is the SOLE reason that I allowed my design business to take a back seat. Now my husband is nudging me to do the same with my own business. I haven't sat still in those 18 months - I've set up the websites for the business, created brands (which as a business person yourself you know can be worth a LOAD of money when the business takes off), I am 80% through finalising my catalogue (which already is 36 pages in size, and 50 pages by the time I am finished with it), and I got almost 500 products to market... Caryn on the other hand doesn't seem to have done ANY designing according to her website since 2003 - she has still got the 10 or designs she had when she "let" me be a member of her yahoogroup - yes, the same person spewing hatred towards me invited me as a member!!! Oh and running TWO businesses on average amounts to 90-120 hours work a week from me and husband does a daytime job and then 40-50 hours work on the business TOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. For those who claim Karen or I whine - well, GUESS WHAT, I ACTUALLY love running both businesses, and I am USUALLY the one that looks for NEW business deals, partnerships, and other money earning opportunities.

And guess what else, I AM NOT going away EVER from being a needlework designer. I WILL keep creating and one day you'll walk into your local shop and see all my patterns being sold there... you can count on that!!!

Oh and to make it worse for you, you'll ALSO see Karen's stuff there TOO!!!

Anonymous said...

<< can afford a luxury like new lights and decorations for a Christmas tree, what excuse could there be for not being able to have your house cleaned professionally>>

You're buying into Seanette's BS that the problem is Karen is too cheap to pay for cleaning.

I can tell you that Karen has spent thousands of dollars for professional cleaning.  The subject sends Seanette off on a rant, so Karen simply didn't discuss cleaning with Seanette.  She just screams irrationally about it being impossible to keep a house clean; apparently a pot should not be used again after it's been cleaned and dirty clothes should be put back in the closet rather than sorted for washing.

Seanette lies to make you sympathize with her, make you think she was taken advantage of because Karen's too cheap to hire cleaners.  What it cost Karen in extra groceries and electricity while Seanette lived there would've hired a professional to come in every week for eight months; the free room and board was not free to Karen.  It was an extremely generous act to someone who was about to be homeless.

If someone's willing to clean, Karen's willing to pay.  But if no one agrees to do what needs doing, even at $20/hour, what's wrong with her spending money on things that make her happy?  She's not asking you to clean her house free because she has no money, so what difference does it make to you?

Do not believe everything you hear from Seanette.  She's a proven liar, even under oath.

Anonymous said...

<< what excuse could there be for not being able to have your house cleaned professionally >>

The excuse is that the professionals arrive with a long list of things they won't do.

They won't clean the cat box.  They won't carry things to the basement.  They won't get up on a ladder.  They won't do laundry.  They will dust a box and mop around a box, but they will not move that box to another room.  In other words all the things that Karen CAN'T do, they WON'T do.  

Why should she pay someone to do the chores that she can do and already has done?

The only cleaner the inspector could recommend was one who would take everything (furniture and all) to the curb and leave the house totally empty.  That's not what Karen wants or needs.

Karen is willing to pay for the work to be done, but no one is willing to do it.  Can you not get it through your head that the problem isn't Karen being cheap, but cleaners being lazy?

Oh, yes, that's right.  You believe every word Seanette writes is gospel truth, and won't believe anyone who tells you it isn't.  Ask Wayne about the day Karen paid him and Seanette $35/hour (plus Karen bought their lunch) to work for her business.  Seanette will never tell you that becuase it ruins her story about how cheap Karen is.  You wouldn't feel sorry for her if you knew that Karen is willing to pay her 5x more than she's ever earned before, so she has to portray Karen as too cheap to pay for anything to get your sympathy.

Anonymous said...

I spent an afternoon helping Karen UNDO the work of hired cleaners.  We threw out a lot of stale food that they put in boxes and then covered up with Tupperware or other non-food items, instead of putting away properly in cupboards.

There was a bag of cookies hidden away with a sell-by date that would put the purchase while Seanette was living there.  Did she selfishly stash them to eat herself, or was this just anothre instance of being too lazy to put things where they belong because it was easier to throw everything in heavy boxes?

There was enough food hidden in those boxes that Karen won't have to buy canned vegetables for months.  It explained why she kept saying "I thought I had some" and had to buy more because she couldn't find what she was sure she had.  

A lot of what she's bought since hiring cleaners has been to replace things she couldn't find.  The last thing that tiny house needs is duplication of stuff but when you can't find it, you buy more.  Now that we're emptying these boxes created by people who didn't put things away properly, we can cut down on the clutter, because she can use up what she had originally.

Seanette didn't tell you that her living there created more clutter, did she?  That she filled boxes with no organization, just everythign that fit in them? The hell with if Karen could find her stuff afterward, Seanette "cleaned".  So did the other "cleaners".  

Didn't make Karen's life one bit easier to hire cleaners because she spent more hours hunting for what they hid in boxes than she saved by not cleaning herself.b
