Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Latest from One Click

3.  Patients And Doctors - Rocky Relationship
The simmering distrust of the medical system — and the doctors who work in it — are the topic of my Well column this week, as well as a new Well video. NR commented in The New York Times: "Doctors are drug pushers plain and simple, prescribing to us drugs that are to “prevent” something, with no evidence they can do that. When they do treat illness, again, they are primarily prescribing drugs that have been lightly tested and heavily marketed in a very small segment of the population."
Tara Parker-Pope, The New York Times

4.  Law Professor Debunks Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Myth

Dr Bill Long publishes the Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy (“MSBP”)/Factitious Disorder By Proxy (“FDBP”) Guide for Judges, Lawyers and Parents. By arguing that it is consistent for the sufferer of the 'syndrome' to be an outwardly caring mother, one who eagerly seeks medical advice and affirms the medical staff, prosecutors can leap over a sometimes yawning evidentiary gap and help the state pry the child away from the parents.
Dr Bill Long

* * *

The same illogic has been used to prove that CFS patients are hypochondriacs -- we actively seek the medical help that will achieve our goal of getting back to work and other activities, and that quest for return to health is turned against us as "doctor shopping".  Well, maybe if the first doctor would know what he's doing and get us back to work, we wouldn't need to consult dozens looking for the one who recognizes that CFS is nothing like depression and doesn't respond to the same drugs.


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