Sunday, July 1, 2007

Some Good News

Activist Cort Johnson of "Phoenix Rising" reports:

"The husband of one of our group members had recently encountered a short class in medical school in which CFS was treated as a nothing more than a puzzling but entirely legitimate disease. The fact that CFS both a) made it into a class in medical school and b) was treated fairly is somewhat astonishing. The Vermont CFIDS organization was recently able to get a bill passed to educate physicians about CFS"

That they are now teaching budding doctors that CFS is real is good, but does nothing about the older doctors who are convinced that CFS is psychological because that's what they were taught in school and have never bothered to read any of the new research to find that's been disproved. 
The efforts of the Vermont organization have to be repeated in all 50 states, so that the doctors who are already out there practicing get brought up to speed on the neurological and physiological abnormalities that aren't readily apparent with just the basic blood tests. 
I had the basic blood tests, which were all normal (as they should be with CFS), because I don't have diabetes, anemia, AIDS, etc. along with the CFS.  Unfortunately, that doctor concluded that if these tests were normal, there was no need to order any of the other tests I requested, on the mistaken assumption that the tests he did should identify any medical problem under the sun, and that if they were all normal, then the problem had to be psychological.  Nothing could be further from the truth; blood tests don't show brain damage, they don't show paralytic muscle weakness, they don't show severe sleep disturbance, they don't show the cardiac dysfunction demonstrated by Dr. Lerner in the 90s and Dr. Natelson in the 2000s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope you don’t mind me contacting you this way I could not find an email address. if you find this should be deleted please do?

I was just reading your ME Blog and I have also a few links you might find interesting here (, possibly the Guildford ME Support group and links to facebook groups.

I am trying to get CFS/ME + CPS people to contact each other in a community kind of way using the software Skype ( and skypecasts (

The way I hope it will work is people will not feel alone and those that find it difficult to get to gatherings can have friends in easy reach of a piece of software.

So times can be arranged where rooms on Skype can be set up and say 16 people can speak and others listen etc. Then with people around the world might set up different groups that can be available at all hours of the day to provide an ear to listen to.

Here on Skypecast rooms personal details do not have to be given only when you want the person to be in your friend list.

If this sounds a good idea to you please let me know or tell people?

Kindest regards
