Monday, July 2, 2007

A Disability Wiki

From Margaret:

"Disapedia - A very broad disability community
A Wiki Disabled Community"

The disabled author wants some feedback from the disabled community. Notice
the heretofore poor and discriminatory entry on Fibromyalgia, and none on
ME, CFIDS, MCS, (notice the environmental category)or GWI. Here's a chance
for our good medical historians to politely send in an accurate entry to
educate the rest of the disabled community on our illnesses.

I'm an undergrad at UC Berkeley. One of the problems that occurred to me is
that there are very few good broad website when it comes to disability. In
response I started Disapedia. The hope is to create a website that will
eventually cover any topic of interest. I would love if you guys check it
out and send in your feed back. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

A Wiki Disabled Community
AIM: Stringerace:
* * *
Disclosure: Peter has kindly agreed to link to my blog. 
I would urge those of you who have new, valid information about CFS or fibromyalgia to edit that information into the Wiki.  Let's get the truth out there, that "fatigue" has very little to do with CFS, and that neither condition is psychosomatic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am said Peter in question, and I whole heartedly suggest you make all the changes that are necessary. The entry is lifted from Wikipedia as starting point. It was just meant to be a starting point where the community can change as necessary. So have at it and tear it to shreds. My only request is that you create an account before you start the fun. Hopefully you enjoy the site and move on to enjoy the other fantastic parts of the site. If there anything I can do to help or help tutor individuals just visit the site and look me and contact me in the plethora of ways to get a hold of me.