Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is TOO Choice!

A little googling and we found where the culprit is hiding out these days since she fled Usenet.

Her version of the story there differs from the one she told the judge, and makes her appear to be the innocent victim of me.  She just doesn't seem to have a clue why I would be annoyed with her after being told by the police I wasn't allowed to even set foot in my own house, not even to get my medication.

I find it particularly amusing that she claims that a 6-room, 880 square foot house cannot be cleaned by two healthy people in 60 days.  That's 10 days a room.  Even if every single room had been stacked floor-to-ceiling with boxes, it would not take 10 days to cart them all down to the basement.  But in fact, the room with the most boxes only had about a dozen.  They should've been able to scrub this place top-to-bottom in three days at most, with a little initative.

There are so many lies in her rantings on that site that I cannot even begin to address them all.  So, let me start with one of the first ones, that I claim I cannot work.  Oddly enough, in the 2.5 months they were living with me in 2004, the person who wasn't working was her perfectly healthy husband.  I have owned my own business since 2000, a few months after I was let go from my full-time job because of increasing disability -- so you decide for yourself who is too lazy to work and who is doing as much as she is physically able.

She does an excellent job of "explaining" how my giving her 2.5 months of free room and board (and T-shirts and craft supplies and....) was somehow victimizing her.  And treating her to a day trip in which I paid for the car rental, the gas, the meals (including dinner at a nice restaurant), and some of her purchases, was also victimizing her because she had to drive.  Oddly enough, most people I know say that I was much too generous with someone who wasn't actually doing the work she was hired for.

Well, karma's going to come around and kick her in the butt one of these days.  Big time.

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