Thursday, July 27, 2006

"You should get a job"

We've all heard the stories about terminally-ill people who valiantly went to work every day until the day they died.

And then there are those disabled people who apply for Disability benefits.

I'm going to say something that some of you don't want to hear, but which the disabled community has wanted to get out for years.  The difference is not in the work ethic of the employee, but the compassion of the employer. 

Most people applying for Disability benefits would love to still be at work, but their employers don't want them any more.  Maybe it's prejudice.  Maybe they're perceived to be a worker's comp claim waiting to happen.  Or maybe they just aren't able to produce at a level satisfactory to their employer.

Once you're disabled, your chances of getting a new job – even one you're eminently qualified for – drop dramatically.  The Americans with Disabilities Act is supposed to guarantee you equal treatment in hiring, but for many disabled applicants, all it means is that the employer comes up with a reason other than your disability not to hire you.

There's also some misunderstanding in the general public about what ADA promises.  You are not entitled to a job that you cannot do on equal footing with other employees.  If the job description requires typing 85 WPM and your disability limits you to 15, you can't use your disability to get around that requirement.  The employer has every right to expect you to produce just as much as everyone else once the necessary accommodations are made.

I would love to go back to work, but the law is quite clear that the accommodations that I would need (starting with "work when able") are not considered "reasonable accommodations" under ADA.  It isn't that I didn't try diligently to get a new job, but that interviews that were going really well ended on the spot when I brought up the need for accommodations.

I've been on both sides of this story.  In 1987, I had an employer willing to keep me on the payroll, even though I was only able to work part-time and not working at full capacity when I was there.  I "bravely battled" my disease (which had not yet been diagnosed) and "was dedicated to my job".  They had the legal right to fire me for excessive absenteeism, tardiness and frequently leaving early, but chose to take care of a long-time employee who was considered an irreplaceable asset to the company.

In 2000, I was just as "dedicated to my job" and just as "bravely battling" my disease, but my employer was not as dedicated to me, and even though I was absent only 2 days because I was so dedicated to trying to work despite increasing symptoms, they fired me.  Under ADA, they were legally permitted to do so.  There was no "reasonable accommodation" possible to increase my productivity.  There wasn't even an unreasonable accommodation that would have allowed me to keep up the workload when simply getting to work left me exhausted and in need of an hour nap.

My personality didn't change in the intervening years.  My work ethic didn't change.  The only thing that changed was my employer, and my employer's attitude.  This one had an eye on the bottom line, and I wasn't contributing enough to justify my salary.

That's the reality of it.  Next time you're inclined to throw in a disabled person's face that he ought not expect Disability benefits because your cousin's neighbor worked until the morning of her final hospitalization, you should instead throw that in the face of the callous employer who fired him.  If every employer were willing to be humanitarian toward disabled employees, there would be a lot fewer people forced to swallow their pride and apply for Disability.  Employers who won't let willing disabled employees continue working to the best of their ability deserve scorn far more than those rare lucky disabled employees deserve praise for having a compassionate employer who didn't fire them in the same situation.

If every employer were as compassionate as those whose employees are allowed to continue working until the day they die, there would be a lot fewer people applying for Disability benefits.  If my husband hadn't accepted a job in another city, forcing me to change jobs, I don't doubt that I would still be employed by the firm that put people before profits.  Unfortunately, you can't legislate morality, or compassion.

And, equally unfortunately, people are always willing to assume the worst about a disabled person who has been forced to swallow his or her pride to apply for Disability benefits.  They're not lazy –  doing their very best is simply not good enough for employers to want to pay them.

Dr. Mark Loveless, an infectious disease specialist and head of the CFS and AIDS Clinic at Oregon Health Sciences University, proclaimed that a CFIDS patient "feels every day significantly the same as an AIDS patient feels two months before death."



Anonymous said...

I am 65, in need of a knee replacement, but still working at a huge grocery store in the bakery department.  I can run rings around the younger workers even though I wear a leg brace to work everyday.
There is no compassion for anyone who is not 100% healthy.  We are expected to keep the pains to ourselves and continue to work.
I had fallen backwards down a couple of steps at home a couple of years ago and herniated two discs.  The pain clinic repaired the discs, but the knee problem began around then.
I Know that I cannot call off or request off very often; immediately it is presumed that I can no longer do my job.  But some of the cake decorators take turns calling off different days of the week, and nothing is ever said or done to them as punishment.
Life is not fair; we all know that.  The boss has his little favorites and he overlooks their inadequacies while checking to see what this old lady is doing and if she is putting out the production.
Been there, done that!

Anonymous said...

Nice essay.

I wonder if I would have become as sick as I did if I had been able to stay home and rest early, when I had mono, when I had giardia, when I had chronic bronchitis.  After my complete crash on October 24, 1994, I could no more work than fly to the moon.  It was hard enough to get a cup of coffee in the morning.

For an essay on this subject - why I had to quit work - go to:


Anonymous said...

Because my sister had this disability/disease, I know that the plight of an average CFS/ME patient is worse than mine. Let me describe a "typical attempt" my sister once described on the phone to me about "going into town to go to college".

Deborah (my sister) would walk out of the house, she would go to the bus stop which was about 30 yards from her house. She would then get on the bus. And then by the time she was at college she would be in pain, exhausted, wanting to go to bed, and the CFS/ME would aggravate her Diabetes so she would be ill from that too on top of the total discomfort of CFS/ME. Many a time should would only last 2-3 hours before she would need to call Mom and get her to come and pick her up to take her home so she'd end up spending the rest of the day in bed trying to RECOVER.

Despite these disabilities, my sister still managed to be an active charity worker and to get qualifications to go to the TOP university for studying architecture. She was in year one when she got told that she was AS GOOD AS the year three students. Two months later she was dead. She died from a serious complication caused by CFS/ME and made worse because she was type 1 diabetic. Had the university been prejudiced she would never been accepted.

I think MUCH TALENT and MANY SKILLS are WASTED because employers DO NOT take disability as serious as they should do - it says in the human rights that you cannot deny someone the RIGHT TO LIFE. What about the RIGHT TO LIFE for disabled people????????????

Anonymous said...

The greatest source of "you should get a job" I get from my own mother who seems to think that the Viral Meningitis I had was caused by a "dirty house" and that I am imagining my back problem I've had since. I am asked by people "why don't you get a job?", I answer "can you point me to a job where I can sit all day and which won't have me do any lifting, any repetitive work that uses my back and that's flexible enough so that I can stay home when I am in pain". About 98% of responses I get back is "Hmm, guess not then". Well hello, isn't that obvious when I say "I have a back problem.

My last job was lost because the management just could accept that I had a "disability". I've been battling for 8 years now to get myself registered as "disabled" with local authorities.